Contract insights in a blink: Intuitive Dashboard

Contract overview
Get a snapshot of contract statuses and key metrics.
Contract To-Do's
Track upcoming contract-related tasks and assignments.
Notification centre
Get alerts for important contract events and milestones.
Visual Insights
Interactive displays for in-depth contract analysis.
Contract overview
Get a snapshot of contract statuses and key metrics.
Contract To-Do's
Track upcoming contract-related tasks and assignments.
Notification centre
Get alerts for important contract events and milestones.
Visual Insights
Interactive displays for in-depth contract analysis.

Contracts at a glance

Contract Status: Provides an at-a-glance view of contract statuses, such as pending, in-progress and completed contracts.
Key Metrics: Displays important contract-related metrics, like the number of contracts in pipeline, upcoming renewals and average approval times.

Stay Informed, Stay in Control

Alerts and Reminders: Centralizes notifications for critical contract milestones and tasks
Customizable Alerts: Enables users to set their preferences for receiving notifications ensuring they stay informed about critical events.

Reporting and Analytics

Contract Portfolio and Custom Reports: Provides data-driven insights for informed decision-making and allows users to generate custom reports to analyse contract data.
Data Visualization: Utilizes charts, graphs and visual representations to understand complex contract data enabling quick insights.

Why choose Contractzy?

Automated Alerts, Notifications and Reminders
Stay on top of vital contract events with automatic notifications, ensuring you never miss important milestones.
Powerful Integrations and Compatibility
Integrates with other software systems creating unified workflows and eliminating data silos.
Dedicated Support from our Experts
We provide comprehensive training resources and dedicated support to ensure you're making the most of our platform.
Security and Confidentiality
We prioritize data security with multi-factor authentication, encrypted storage, and regular penetration testing.
Faster Turnaround Time
Expedite contract processes, reducing waiting periods and approvals for faster contract executions.
Complete Visibility
Instantly track and monitor contract lifecycle stages enhancing transparency and oversight with a neat dashboard.