· 9 min read

A Legal Deep Dive into the EU's Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy
· 12 min read

Essential Legal-Tech Tools for every Legal Counsel

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy
· 6 min read

The Rise of Legal Chatbots

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy
· 8 min read

EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) - All you need to know!

Veda Dalvi
Legal Analyist @Contractzy

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American Privacy Rights Act 2024: All You Need To Know

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The Convenience and Accessibility of E-Signatures

E-signatures are replacing pen-and-paper signatures, offering a faster, more convenient way to sign documents electronically. There are different types of e-signatures, each with its own requirements. E-signatures streamline workflows, save time, and boost efficiency across various industries.
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Contract Management
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The Hidden Costs of Poor Contract Management

Ineffective contract management can cause a domino effect of problems for businesses. From financial losses due to missed deadlines or legal disputes to operational slowdowns and reputational harm, the hidden costs can be significant.
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IT Act 2000 Updated: Key Points on Latest Amendment

Recent amendments to India's IT Act aim to modernize business transactions. Electronic negotiable instruments, digital power of attorney for specific financial businesses, and e-signatures for real estate contracts are now allowed, enabling faster remote transactions and potentially reducing costs.
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Legal Industry Trends 2023

The legal industry in 2023 prioritizes collaboration, client experience, and diversity. Remote work is here to stay, requiring enhanced cybersecurity. Technology like AI, automation, and cloud storage are on the rise to improve efficiency and security. Law firms are also going paperless for environmental and practical reasons.
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Contract Management

How does CLM help Automobile Industry?

The auto industry, a complex web of manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors, faces challenges managing numerous contracts throughout a vehicle's lifecycle. Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software can streamline this process.
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Contract Management
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How does CLM help Insurance Companies?

Insurance companies struggle with managing numerous contracts for policyholders, vendors, and employees. These contracts are traditionally handled with inefficient methods like spreadsheets and paper, leading to errors and wasted time. Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software can streamline this process.
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Contract Management
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Extracting Contract Data with Artificial Intelligence

Legacy contracts, once signed, often become a burden. Traditionally stored in disorganized formats, they are difficult to analyze and hinder businesses from using valuable information within them. Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing this. AI can automatically extract and analyze data from these contracts, giving businesses a clear understanding of their obligations, risks, and opportunities.
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Effective Data Protection Strategies

Data protection is crucial in our digital world to fight identity theft and breaches. Use strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and update software regularly. Be cautious with personal information online, secure your Wi-Fi, and avoid phishing scams.
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Contractzy's ODR Innovation: The Path to Efficiency and Excellence

Contractzy, has patented a new online dispute resolution (ODR) system. This allows businesses to resolve contract disputes faster and cheaper through online negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. This innovation gives Contractzy clients a competitive edge by streamlining dispute resolution and reducing costs.
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ChatGPT in the Legal Industry: AI Redefines Human-Machine Interaction

ChatGPT, a powerful AI tool launched in late 2022, is shaking up the legal industry. By analyzing vast amounts of legal data, ChatGPT can help lawyers with research, document review, drafting, risk assessment, and even predicting legal outcomes. This can save time, improve accuracy, and give lawyers a competitive edge. While some fear AI replacing lawyers, the future is likely a collaboration between humans and AI, with lawyers focusing on complex tasks and using ChatGPT for efficient support.
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