contract review with AI
contract review with AI
contract review with AI

Faster contract review with AI

Reduce time and resources needed to review contracts and identify potential risks faster with AI-powered insights
upload contracts online

Effortless contract uploads

Drag & Drop: Upload your contracts (Word, PDF, etc.) directly to our CLM Software
AI-powered Data Extraction: Our intelligent AI Contract Review feature automatically extracts and indexes key details like dates, parties involved, financial terms etc.

Risk detection with Artificial Intelligence

Clause Identification: Our AI identifies every individual clause within your contract and compares it with pre-defined library of vetted clauses
Risk Flagging & Anomaly Detection: Deviations from your standard clauses or potentially risky language are automatically flagged by the AI
risk mitigation in contracts with AI
contract review and approval

Collaborative review &  approvals

AI-powered Recommendations: Based on the identified risks, our AI suggests edits, clarifications or even rejections of specific clauses
Interactive Review & Control: Easily accept, modify or reject the AI's suggestions as needed, ensuring the final contract aligns perfectly with your specific requirements

Your End-to-End CLM Software

Automated Alerts, Notifications and Reminders
Stay on top of vital contract events with automatic notifications, ensuring you never miss important milestones
Powerful Integrations and Compatibility
Integrates with other software systems creating unified workflows and eliminating data silos
Dedicated Support from our Experts
We provide in-depth training resources and dedicated support to ensure you're making the most of our CLM software
Security and Confidentiality
We prioritize data security with multi-factor authentication, encrypted storage, and regular penetration testing
Faster Turnaround Time
Expedite contract processes, reducing waiting periods and approvals for faster contract executions
Complete Visibility
Instantly track and monitor contract lifecycle stages enhancing transparency and oversight with a neat dashboard

Book a demo and explore the product with us.

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contract management dashboard